Busy Bee

We have all been busy bees today.  

One of the joys of owning a property abroad is the inevitable maintenance when visiting!  One of the things we do is keep the garden under control.  The boundary between us and the neighbours down the hill involves a 'hedge'of leylandii - they grow quickly and need the annual 'prune'.  So whilst I was doing something productive (!) - photographing a bee on one of the many weeds - hubby was starting to trim the foliage. 

Our neighbours knew of a local hire company for power tools which would speed the process and so off we went... via the supermercado for supplies of cerveza and other holiday sustenance.!

As we were completing the trim on the neighbours' side ('we', as in I was at the bottom of the ladder to stop it tipping!) came home and offered us a cup of tea.  We have not really spoken to these people before but they turned out to be really lovely, friendly and interesting.  I am chagrined to realise that the opinions I have formed from the past are entirely wrong so...never judge a book just by its cover.

Whilst borrowing a ladder from another neighbour opposite, I have fixed to go photographing in Torrevieja tomorrow evening - not the place most of us would choose for a holiday destination but good for harbour shots apparently. We shall sea!!!!

Tidying up tomorrow and then a fun weekend ahead with friends from further north visiting..

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