
By Veronica

1095: selfie!

If you go large, you'll see not one but two selfies.

I've spent the last three days racking my brains for ideas for my 1,095th blip. Hence no blips. Today I was desperate enough to go out and buy random props. I wended my way home following my usual emergency blip process -- drive randomly around hoping something will catch my eye. Cue lots of bad photos of vines.

But on the home straight, I spotted this (a few more shots by clicking right from here). These had to be worth stopping for! A passing tractor had ground to a halt and the driver was snapping away with his smartphone. Even if you're not a car enthusiast they are rather beautiful, and eight in a row is quite something. Alpines were produced from the mid 1950s -- these date to the early 1970s. A neighbour told me that they are quite rare and worth a cool 80,000 euros each. Wonder how much the insurance is?

Phew, so that's 1,095 blips in the bag. It's only taken me 3 years and 3 1/2 months to get here. I never expected to keep going this long -- and I'm glad Blipfoto is still here, as at one point I didn't expect it to be. It's hard to imagine life without it now. Speaking of which, I'm planning a trip to the UK in the first week of June, and I'd love to meet up with blippers in North Yorkshire and Oxford. So if you're up for a blipmeet in either of those places, please let me know!

Note: no random props were used in this blip. I'll just have to save them for blip 1460.

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