Caen Hill Locks (Monday 6th April 2015)

On this bank holiday Monday morning I had detoured to the 'Dipper' Marden on my way to Melksham, and been rewarded with the sight of a dipper bobbing up and down on a rock.

After I'd finished my shopping I decided to see how the pair of swans were doing on the Caen Hill flight of locks, as there had been nest building activity on my previous visit.

There was a hive of activity on the canal as it was a bank holiday and the sun was shining. As soon as I reached the tow path I could see that the pen swan was sitting on the nest, situated behind the Boto-X Lock, and the cob swan was at the far end of the side pond. Narrowboats were going through the locks two at a time. The swans have used this nest site before and seem unperturbed by passers by, some of whom had walked right up to the nest.

The woman you can see taking a picture in the blip was still there when I reached the nest, and when I asked her if she knew whether there were any eggs yet she told me that when the swan had briefly stood up to change position she had managed to glimpse an egg, probably one of several. The pen swan was busily grooming herself and when I walked round the pond to see the cob swan, he was similarly busy with preening exercises.

19.4.2015 (1458 hr)

Blip #1548 (#1798 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #006
Day #1839
LOTD #783 (#903 including archived blips)

Lenses: Pentax 17-70 mm (Blip), Pentax 55-300 mm with 1.4 converter

Kennet and Avon Canal series
Caen Hill series
Canals series
Swan series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Smoke City - Underwater Love (1997)

One year ago:
Sandy Lane

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