Capital adventures

By marchmont


I nearly blipped a poster for The Proclaimers tour later this year when I was walking back from my First Aid course (I am now a qualified Appointed Person, whoo hoo). I loathe The Proclaimers with a passion, it's a 'well known fact' amongst my friends 'up north'. Don't know why, I just do, although I have been known to jump up and down to THAT one. But I didn't, but I wish I had as I thought I saw one of them in Brougham Place about 15 mins later. Could it have been, or maybe just a doppelganger. Mmm.
No Proclaimer then so have to make do with a very soggy Bruntsfield Links on the way back from the coiffeur.
My compensatory spending spree continues, did it 3 years ago, clearly meeting a need. Ooh Ruby Shoes are celebrating the Jubilee with Pimms, cupcakes and 20% off =2 new pairs of shoes.
Came home and flopped in front of the tv and watched the programme about the televising of the Coronation. There was proclaiming in that too.
And more to shout about, friend and colleague E got her results, LLB 2.1 + distinction. Well done to my very clever friend.

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