
By KirstyHalbert

Big Sky.

Today I found myself wishing a few times that I could just go back to bed and start my Thursday again. When I woke up the air was wet and heavy, thick with low-hanging cloud. As I walked to work, I could feel my hair getting frizzier by the second and by the time I got to the office I had more than a passing resemblance to Narnia's Aslan.

When I arrived I noticed my leg was quite sore where I'd cut it last week, and on inspection, had gone pink and swollen. So... A trip to the doctor's surgery and a tube of antibiotic cream for me. Super. I'd also managed to rip two ladders into my tights by 11am - some talent, that.

Luckily I had dinner with HuskyLugs to look forward to after work. I met her at 6pm and we took a walk to Revolution for tea and a cocktail (non-alcoholic for me). As we sat looking outside, we realised it had suddenly turned into a lovely evening, so we had a wander to the beach. It was all about the sky tonight. Lovely to catch up with H and relax after work too.

Had a call from M and an email to read when I got home - he's very very good at making me laugh like a maniac.

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