
By KirstyHalbert

Good Morning.

Quite a dull, dreich day here; cold, too. I'm considering getting a desk plant. Cacti are ruled out (M says they're "a bit pokey" for accident-prone me); also anything that dies easily. I'm thinking a rubber plant? (Not a plant made of rubber... Although that could be the best idea yet... but an actual rubber plant). I have lots of time to think about stuff like this when M's away.

Feeling a little disjointed today - I seem to have had a few days like that this week... Went to the gym after work and ran a quick 1.5k... Managed it in 10 minutes flat, so that makes me happy. I let myself off with an easy session of Body Balance to follow; pretty sure I'll have sore bum muscles tomorrow though! One week down on M's trip, just another two to go. Healthy eating, lots of water, no booze and running. He might not recognise me when he gets home :)

On my walk home from work I passed this building, which I've been meaning to Blip for a while. Telephone wake-up calls are one of those businesses that have been lost in the modern era, where phones, radios... even iPods have their own alarm clocks. Personally, I'd quite like a call from an actual person in the morning - I'm sure I'd find it easier to wake up to a voice than an impersonal BLEEPBLEEPBLEEP.

Luckily when M's away I do get that early morning call from a rig somewhere in the north North Sea. My favourite part of the day!

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