
By KirstyHalbert


Taken on some out-of-date Kodak film with the Pentax. Colours a bit out of whack...

Class 5 of our Norwegian course. Halfway through, and we're beginning to be able to string together quite long conversations (about very specific topics)! The sun came out at lunchtime and stayed out all afternoon; by the time we got to Aberdeen Uni it was hot. We arrived early - the traffic in Aberdeen is SO unpredictable - so we sat outside the MacRobert building and soaked up some sun.

In this evening's class we learned about food, practiced telling the time* and learned to speak in the future tense. I am still enjoying it so much! I need to practice this week, though, as some of the stuff we've been learning is really complex.

When we got home, we had the chicken kebabs that I marinaded overnight and M cooked when he got home from work. They were delish... Teamwork. After we'd eaten we decided to take a walk along the beach in the last of the sun. I'm glad we did - everything was tinged pink and purple. The sun peeking out from behind the concrete still wins it for me, though!

*Norwegians tell the time in a complicated manner. Firstly, when they say half ten, they mean 9.30 (as in, half TO the hour, rather than half PAST the hour). Not only that, but once it's 9.20, you need to say "ten minutes before half ten". When it's 9.40, you need to say "ten minutes after half ten." It's all very confusing for a native Briton (although N from work is half Dutch, and she picked it up very quickly as her mother still tells time the same way).

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