who Disney like a party? (TM)

8:30pm and the weeWeir and I are out at a party.

This isn't her. Nor is it me. This is Em, younger sister of Kirsty who is climbing Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for Believe in Magic. You can find out more here if you'd like to.

The weeWeir is dressed up as Cinderella and I'm in my best Ken outfit. Judge for yourself. It's just the two of us as Mrs theWeir is at a wedding reception.

Actually, it's been a great day. We went to gather my outfit this morning, I spent a few hours in the garden and cleaning up the workBike before we started to get ready for the evening's festivities.

And the best part was doing some ceilidh dancing with my daughter for the first time ever.

Cannae beat it.

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