I blipped the top Iris in this photograph on the 19th April, and as Mr. HCB was looking out of our bedroom window this morning, he suggested that I might blip it again, as there were so many blooms on it now.  

I had seen it myself yesterday and had told him that if the blip of him and Keith wasn't any good, I might have to revert to the irises - but I thought they took a lovely photograph and am glad you thought so too!

So, this morning, I went out into the garden very early (before 8.30 is early for me!) and it was absolutely freezing - the wind was so cold and I don't envy Mr. HCB sitting watching cricket today - although they had a great day yesterday.  He did say he had put extra layers on though;  he is going quite early, as he will be on his own today, so if he gets too cold he can go and sit in the car and watch from there.  They did have a lovely day yesterday, despite the cold, but I guess they are "seasoned" supporters after so long and don't bother too much about the weather.

So here is Iris - with 7 blooms - enjoy - and I think you will agree she looks rather magnificent!

Reminded me of these verses: 

Jesus said:
Can worry make you live longer?  
Why worry about clothes? 
Look how the wild flowers (irises) grow. 
They don’t work hard to make their clothes. 
But I tell you that Solomon 
with all his wealth
wasn’t as well clothed as one of them. 
God gives such beauty to everything 
that grows in the fields, 
even though it is here today 
and thrown into a fire tomorrow. 
He will surely do even more for you! 
Matthew 6 : 27-30
Contemporary English Version

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