All He Really Does Is Eat And Sleep, To Be Honest

I've had my first pet for three years; I'll have had him for four when August rolls around.  Speedy (yes, that is his name) was given to me by my stepdad's fmaily members for my thirteenth birthday.  They had had him for a long time, and whenever I was at my relatives' house, I never really paid much attention to him.  Then they began getting rid of the pets in their house, because most of them realized that they didn't have much time to take care of them anymore.  I remember seeing Speedy outside in a little kiddie pool filled with water, and me and my sister playing with him and watching him swim, and I immediately wanted him as my own after that.  I asked my mother, and she pointed out that he would be my responsibility, and that we'd need a tank, filter, and other equipment for him.  She told me she'd consider it, but my stepdad had told me I couldn't have him.  Well, my birthday was only around the corner, and I remember my stepsister coming with a black shoebox.  When I had asked what was inside, she told me it was a surprise.  Just as I took the box to hold it, I heard rustling noises inside of it, and Speedy's little head peeked out of a hole on the side.  I was so excited that I had actually gotten him, and I'm glad that I still have him.  He's exactly like me, but in animal form: he's lazy and loves to eat and sleep!

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