
By maddischeib

My Baby

My dog, Bert, is my baby. Ever since I got him, it has been that way. When he was a puppy I carried him around like a baby and taught him how to walk on his hind legs. He doesn’t always walk around on them, but when he does, he looks like a little human.
For a while, we had problems with him taking off and running around the neighborhood. He’s not a danger to anyone other than himself, although he does bark a lot. I recently saw a video on Instagram where a girl let her dog run around with his leash on, but she wasn’t holding onto the leash. The dog in the video didn’t leave the area and it was easy for her to get control of her dog. I decided to try that, because I hate tying my dog up when he wants to go outside. I think all animals should be able to run free when they’re outside. Understandably, some people can’t let that happen due to lack of space or neighbors or unruly pets.
After carefully trying the new experiment with the leash, I found that Bert stays in his boundaries and is able to run free. He hasn’t really tried to run off at all. There was one situation where I had to grab ahold of his leash and pull him back though. He saw his buddy, Tinkerbell, a neighborhood stray cat and decided he wanted to play. When she turned him down and started to walk away, he followed. I saw what was coming and grabbed the leash right before she took off and kept Bert with me.

After she left he went back to chasing the volleyball around and trying to fit it into his tiny little mouth. 

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