Cotton Candy Tulips!

I had already seen these when I blipped these orange ones and I knew I was going to return.  Believe it or not, the rows of orange blooms are gone, completely bloomed out and the petals are lying in the trenches in between.  The lives of flowers ...

Visited the physio today as last Monday was a holiday.  Her diagnosis -- improvement!  It won't ever be the way it used to be but the situation is now under control and I'm allowed to just continue exercising the way I've been doing it.  She had done part of her internship in Nepal and has friends there and they are fine, it appears.  Nevertheless ... it won't ever be the way it used to be.  I wonder how the people are managing; with a lot of difficulty, I think.  Believe me, a 5 on the Richter scale is horrible enough, I should know.  A 7 must be unbearable.  And the 5500+ dead ... what a blow.

After dinner, I suggested we go for a walk as the weather was sunny, although cold.  Hubby suggested a drive to Breda for dessert instead of a walk.  I cannot believe he is now often taking the initiative for these kinds of things.  Instead of feeling his forehead to check whether or not he had fever, I agreed enthusiastically.  This is the kind of offer I can't refuse.  We parked in a free area and strolled into the centre and sat down in De Corenmaet where I had a yummy rectangle of chocolate mouse cake with fresh strawberries on the side + a glass of fresh orange juice while hubby had two beers.

And now ... can't hang around as I've got to finish a report this evening.  Well, 'got to' isn't really the case but if I don't do it, it'll nag me another day.

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