Another new walk & stressing about dentists?!

.....................Fabulous new walk but not long enough for an energetic little collie like me?!!

Today I had ‘snooze time’ all morning so when Ann came home from work I was full of beans and raring to go for my walk.  Unfortunately Ann wasn’t full of beans; she was very tired because she didn’t sleep properly last night due to stressing about her latest visit to the dentist. 

The dentist wants her to have her gums ‘deep cleaned’???  That is NOT going to happen!! She is displaying non of the NHS symptoms of gum disease and reading about the procedure online, it sounds like absolute torture.  Until 18 months ago (when Ann’s very lovely dentist retired) she had visited the dentist every 6 months for the whole of her life, she hadn’t had a filling since she was a teenager and that’s a very long time ago and every dentist she’s ever seen, until now, has told her she has good strong teeth.

Well, every time I see the vet he tells me that I have good, strong teeth.  That’s because I have a dental stick every night before I go to bed.  Ann wishes all she needed to do was have a dental stick before she goes to bed.

In the last 18 months it feels like she’s never been away from the dentist.  New dentist told her she has to come every three months to have her teeth cleaned and yesterday she had to have a filling renewed.  And then he said he wanted her to see a dental hygienist to have her gums ‘deep cleaned.’  'Deep cleaned'?  Thought that was something you did to a carpet???

Normally Ann is quite ‘gobby’.  She’s not backwards in coming forwards, but how do you tell a professional that you’re not going to do something that they’re recommending, especially as Ann didn’t have a clue what the dentist was talking about until she researched it last night? 

 Any advice about ‘exercising patient rights’ will be gratefully received.

 Anyway to get back to my ‘new walk’.  This afternoon Ann wanted to go to ‘Lidl’ so she said, ‘Molly, I’ve looked on the map and found a lovely new walk for us.  We’ll go for a walk and then I’ll pop into ‘Lidl’ while you wait in the car.’

So that is what we did.  It was a great new walk and I even found a little stream to have a stretch out and wallow in.  The only trouble was; it was only a half hour walk and normally my afternoon walk is for at least an hour.

When we got home Ann gave me my dinner and then I went out onto the sun terrace for a little snooze in the sunshine.  Ann followed me out, gave me a cuddle and said, ‘Thank you MollyCollie, for not making a fuss about only having a short walk.’

 ....................I would have liked a longer walk, but I’m a very intelligent little collie and today I picked up on the fact that Ann just wanted to sleep, so I think it was really nice of her to take me for a lovely new walk, even if it was only for half an hour.

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