
By Madchickenwoman


Went to Dr's - am on anti-virals for Shingles!! Thanks to all those who advised me to go to Dr's!! Still no blisters so hopefully having caught it early I will escape the worst! I was ushered into an empty  room to wait and felt both special and unclean all at the same time! I feel it is a little ironic that I have had so many sick chickens recently and that I now have a kickback from having Chickenpox as a child!!! 
Just in case I get stuck at home I did a mad dash before the Drs - got food for me, food for Gunther and the birds - wild and Milly and Tilly- shavings for the coop, dropped plastic at recycling centre and posted parcels! Amazing what you can cram into an hour when you have to! Did you know magnets, batteries and a whole host of other things can not be sent via Royal Mail?! I picked up a leaflet and it unfolded like a fan there were so many pages of banned items! I wonder how they can make any money! Maybe you pay extra to send them another way? Luckily the electric toothbrush was pronounced safe by the two ladies the other day - eventually and only after I had unpacked it! I did not have to list the contents of one of the packages today - it contained a magnet!!!! But only a little one, I'm sure it was not above the " field strength of 0.418A/metre or more than at a distance of 4.6 metres from the outside of the package"!!!! But how would I have found that out anyway!!!!
Once home I released Milly and Tilly to freerange - Tilly is looking fantastic, Milly laid another egg with no shell - I'm wondering if Tilly ate the membrane and that is why she had a prolapse trying to eject it!!
Also I have swapped the rat for a cute little mouse!! Thought I had seen something when going into the garden - but decided i was just paranoid. Today there it was foraging in the gravel for the spilt bird seed! Very cute! It can stay! 
I'm now experiencing a hot flush and have no idea if it is the Shingles or coming off HRT!!! Which my Dr told me I could stay on for another 9 years, women didn't have to suffer the menopause and the risk of breast cancer was small, coming off it would not cause me to go through the menopause though,now or in the future, which I disbelieve as the decrease in hormones certainly cause problems and since the "R" in HRT means replacement, at some point the body is going to experience the lack of them (?) and that  hormones don't cause mood swings like PMT- more likely to be other things in a womans life- he was a male and I assured him they certainly did! Seriously, where do these male Dr's get off even having the temerity to voice these things to a woman - particularly one who has just come off HRT and has Shingles - foolish man who now knows the errors of his ways and may think twice before voicing his opinions again! :-0
I will look at my blip and think calm thoughts as I  look once more at the way the light plays through the leaves!!!! :-)

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