At the general election count for Stroud

I was invited to attend the count for the elections in Stroud where the votes would be counted for the General Election, the Stroud District Council and some of the Town Council elections.   I had several colleagues standing in various categories, so I was interested to be an observer at this unique event in public life.  Four years ago my ballot papers were counted in the same hall, but this year I was elected unopposed, so no election was needed in my ward.

I left home at about 11pm to drive to the local leisure centre in Stratford Park, but I'd just heard the announcement of the exit polls which were quite shocking bad from my position.  But the final result has produced the astonishing fact that the conservatives have been elected as the governing party with a small working majority.  I find this absolutely depressing.

In Stroud, it was thought that the Labour candidate, David Drew, would be elected again after losing his seat at the last election in 2010 to a conservative.  There is a strong local green community with a very well organised Green Party, and the town council has been green for many years.  Although I am an independent  but work very harmoniously with my Green colleagues, many of whom were also elected unopposed to the town council.

The Green Party put up Sarah Lunnon, seen here in the centre of the picture in a polka dot dress, as their candidate for the general election.  They also had both town councillors and District councillors up for election in various wards who are also in my picture, as are many party activists.  Having seen them all gathered together tonight I offered to take a photo for them as a memento.

Unfortunately John Marjoram, the former Green Mayor of Stroud, and Molly Scott-Cato, recently elected as one of the MEPs representing the south-west of England, who lives in Stroud, weren't in the picture.  Sarah didn't win the seat, so she will remain as a County Councillor for  Stroud Town, a job which she has been doing very effectively for several years.  She comes to our town council meetings and gives us briefing reports on relevant issues that are happening in the wider county.

I am pleased to say that my fellow town councillor Kevin, standing on the right of the picture, was also voted in as a District councillor for the first time, as well as being elected unopposed again on the town council.   Lucas, kneeling on the left, has to wait till Monday for the result of his election process to the town council.  It is all rather complicated.

By the time I left the omens for the general election were not great, but I was still hoping David Drew would be elected as our MP.  I have added a couple of extra photos showing views of the count in progress.

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