Flushing to Mylor

Went to Flushing.  Walked to Mylor.  .......................And then we walked back again.

Today’s walk wasn’t as long as we normally walk on our ‘big long walk Sunday’s’ and we didn’t stop for lunch either so I didn’t get any little titbits.

We walked for a couple of hours and do you want to know what the best bit about this walk was?  ................It was all the stinky seaweed on the beach when we got to Mylor.

I LOVE stinky seaweed.  I went zooming down to it so that I could have a roll on my back.  There were loads of people watching me and I could hear them saying, ‘Oh no, look what that collie’s doing’.  Ann was trying to blip me in ‘rolling position’ but people kept talking to her.  They were saying such things as, ‘I don’t envy you having to clean that dog.’  And, ‘I’m glad my dog doesn’t like seaweed.’ And, ‘He’s going to stink for ages’.  .......HE?  I wish people that didn’t know me would stop referring to me as a HE!!!

Anyway Ann soon put all the snooty people in their place.  She said, ‘Your fat, overweight, pampered pooches aren’t having a very exciting walk being put back on their leads every time they see something that remotely looks like the best fun ever for a little doggie!’  Actually she didn’t say that but she felt like it.  ‘Molly’s almost 11 and I love to see her having fun.  Collie’s need lots of exercise and lots of different experiences to stop them getting bored.’

And when we got home I didn’t even need to have a bath because I was only stinky but not dirty. I just got smothered in ‘Tip Top Dog’ which is a foam which Ann massages into my fur and then when I’m dry I smell all lovely again.

Snoozing in my bed now.  And guess what?.........................Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, is coming for another little holiday tomorrow.  Yay!

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