Everyday miracle!

Following on from yesterday's blip, and true to my word I checked the pond very soon after I arrived at school this morning, and to my utter amazement I found this.....a newly hatched dragonfly!! 
Seeing a dragonfly hatch from it's ugly larval skin and emerge as an adult, winged and colourful is something I have always wanted to see..and wow!! it was happening before my eyes.
As we watched we found 2 more hatching, it was awesome! 
I have added extra photos of the dragonfly as it developed, and one of another just as it was fighting to get out.
Much to my surprise, I can confirm now that the larval cases came from the Downey emerald dragonfly, not one that was even on my list of suspects as it prefers ponds surrounded by trees (not buildings!) all very odd!

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