When I Left the Coast This Morning.......

....There was hardly a cloud in the sky. By mid afternoon look at the state of it.
I drove into the hills today to see a friend and then instead of driving home I took a very long detour to the Dam...the light was lovely.

When I got to this spot the water was like glass.... just moments later after I snapped this a wind came up and disturbed the surface.

Rumi and I were often the only ones there (I did meet an awesome woman kayaker with lots of fabulous information) just pottering around...all that could be heard was the clicking of my camera and now and then the flapping of  duck wings....such a soothing and beautiful place...instantly one feels at peace.

Driving through the country felt like being home...I do sometimes miss all the trees and greenery ......the gentle landing of the hinterland...however I dont think I am ready to give up the coast just yet ...I am still in discovery mode...so much more to explore and experience of the waterways and the ocean.........besides.... the whales are due to return any time now.

I need to go and blow up balloons now for Flynns Birthday Party....Jaiya didnt want to do it on Mothers Day weekend so tomorrow it is...keep your fingers crossed for good weather.......pics to follow after the event.....I think there will be much laughter and cake.

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust

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