Desperately seeking

By clickychick

The Rannerdale Bluebells

#2 Daughter and her partner arrived by train today. They were left to do shopping as I headed off to the cattery with Ali. Another holiday for her and some good days ahead for me. Bags of laundry delivered to my assistant with the care of the holiday lodge and back to the supermarket for Kat & G!

I wanted katkatkat to see this extraordinary sight at Crummock Water. The bluebells aren't quite at their best yet. I edited this shot and now I've found it's the same as The Man chose, Ah, well, great minds and all that! Last time I blipped the view to Rannerdale KNotts but this time the bluebells there weren't as far on so I went for the Whiteless Pike angle. Thanks, Trevor, for reminding me what it was called.

Quickly back home to make dinner and wait for The Best Mate to arrive.

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