Fenway Park tonight

Last week we excepted a gracious and exciting invitation from our friends, DDW & Mr. W to join them tonight at Fenway Park. Watching a baseball game at America's beloved ballpark is always a thrill,  Fenway is a classic baseball park built in 1912. It's a Boston showcase, steeped in all the traditions of the game. This invitation was not just for any ordinary( and very cramped) seat in the park, but for prime viewing from the fancy EMC Club seats! It's the Red Sox vs the Texas Rangers tonight.  We have plans to meet D&R at their Boston apartment and we'll take the subway together to the Fenway Park. We have not had a rainy day for ages and really need more than one, BUT why today?? The Sox do play in drizzle and we will be in a fancy covered area, so I think all will be well unless there is thunder.The last time D&R were in the EMC Club seats the Red Sox won the World Series!! I hope to link more photos of our fun later.

For the Record,
This day came in cool and rainy. Raspberry is cross, she's chilly. I managed to get her to model and she's now tucked in bed in her cat case, wrapped in a blankie.

All hands healing

Midnight, home safe and sound. What a fun night for four friends at beautiful Fenway Park. Beyond fantastic seats and the Red Sox won!

Fenway Park info

Here are the sleeping Swan Boats in the lagoon at the Public Garden on our walk back after the game.

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