Redheaded woodpecker

This redhead is the new kid in town...Well, not exactly "in town," but he's new to our park, and I am excited to see him. For the past two weeks I have seen him several times high in the tiptop branches of the dead trees in the bog. Today I heard him, found him, and blipped him so you could see him too. Because the leaves are coming out on most of the trees (except the dead ones in the bog), he can be difficult to spot, but I was lucky today. Hope you enjoy him as much as I do. He makes the fifth species of WP in the park: the downy, hairy, red-bellied, and pileated. Another woodpecker relative, the yellow-bellied sapsucker, also shows up from time to time. It's always a treat to see any one of them. I also posted an extra photo today: an American redstart. It's not an uncommon bird, but I haven't seen many of them in the park, although possibly I just haven't been looking in the right places. He's the first one I can remember blipping, so that's why he gets to be an extra today.

Chilly weather today. Our high temperature was 55 degrees cool that I made myself a mug of cocoa for lunch!

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