
I was up at Sighthill to do some interviews for NC groups today. Unfortunately I had got my times wrong and thought they started an hour earlier than they actually did. Given that I'd got there forty minutes early for the time I thought they were it meant a fair bit of waiting about. Still I guess if you're going to get the time wrong you want to be an hour early rather than an hour late.

I went looking for my mate Craig, but he wasn't in so went and chatted to Laura and Tamsyn in the library for a bit as both of them used to be based at Granton Campus.

I had time to go and grab a sandwich too and bumped into Ronnie from photography, so headed up to teh staffroom where he and Jon and Raymond were and got a chat with them too.

The interviews themselves went well with a good group of potential students, but they over ran a fair bit meaning that, by the time I got home, I was too late to head out to Taekwon Do.

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