I had been curious of course what wild life or not so wild life I would see at the ponds and in the parks.
Well, in the big pond a swan pair was chasing the canadian geese away.
The geese objected very loudly. The swan in the picture kept staying at one point very near the Island where I guess a canadian goose was nesting, or even had little babies.
Nothing awful happened when I was there. A woman came to me and told me that there was another swan pair with nine babies.
And to my surprise she said that she had the impression that the swans seemed to be bigger every year. That made me smile, I find this a wonderful observation. Not based of course on measuring I guess.
I wandered along the little canals but could not discover the large family.
After lunch Piet Hein and I cycled to the beach. The weather so much better than yesterday. A lot more persons did enjoy the healthy air.

My problems with the laptop not yet solved. I went to the computershop, but left without a clue, I better make a back-up first.
I'll see if I can visit and comment normally again to-night.

My haiku:

Leave them alone the
Innocent creatures they do
Not harm you, do they?

And the quote by Thoreau in "Spring", Walden (1854):

Through our own recovered innocence we discern the innocence of our neighbors.

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