Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bruinhilda 5 - Deb 0

The score now stands at Bruinhilda 5 feeders, Deb 0 feeders.  Yep, I lost two more feeders to this damned bear today.  Right in broad daylight!  Not only that, but she managed to get both feeders off the deck without disturbing a thing.  Freaking bear.  I did hear a little thump, in fairness, and ran out to see what was going on - first thing I noticed was, no feeders.  Second thing I noticed was a big black furry butt headed into the woods...with a suet feeder.  (Imagine very colorful language right about now).  Not 5 minutes later, she was back, sauntering out of the woods as if she belonged...  well, in fact, it is the woods and she does belong, but that's beside the point.  

She's giving me a look here, as if to say ... what, no more sunflower seeds?  I'll put a couple of other shots of her in Extras if you'd like to see more.  Notice she's licking her lips in the first one... probably trying to get every last essence of suet off her furry face.

Great morning with my friend Cathy - we walked for miles (thanks in part to getting lost in the woods - thank you Google Earth for finding us!).  We saw quite a few birds, including a couple of Great Crested Flycatchers battling for territory, a rabbit, lots of great native wildflowers and one scrawny fox.  Not a bad morning.

Cedar planked salmon for dinner tonight.  (And I defy Bruinhilda to try to make off with our dinner!)  Hubs is off to race again this weekend so I'll be flying solo for the next few days.  Which means that dinner tomorrow night might very well be ... popcorn!

Happy Thursday, people.  Watch out for bears...

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