Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

What do you mean, the bistro is closed?

Poor Lemmy - she scooted up to the deck to look for some seeds and looked disappointed to find only an orange half, left out for the catbirds.  But, out intrepid Lemmy was not to be deterred!  She climbed right into the orange and helped herself.  (Yes, chipmunks eat fruit - actually they are quite fond of it.)  Anyway, she was so cute sitting in the orange looking at me that I had to make her my blip today.

My poor little House Wren has apparently lost his mate.  I thought he was acting oddly, and I started wondering ... so I checked the nest box and found it empty - no mama and no eggs.  I suspect that she was either killed (most likely by a cat, unfortunately) or was lured away by a rival male.  I think the former is more likely since wrens often forage in foliage at ground level and I have a neighbor who insists on leaving all 3 of his cats outside 24-7.  He puts food out for his cats, but between the bears, possoms, raccoons and skunks, it's unlikely that the cats get enough to eat.  Anyway, poor papa is singing and singing and singing from the tops of our cherry trees - to no avail.  

While I was pottering in the garden this morning (keeping one eye peeled for Bruinhilda) I saw a pair of tree swallows checking out one of my nest boxes - very exciting!  Unftunately, Papa wren came zooming over and attempted to chase them away - even though he doesn't have a nest in that box.  A few hours later, I heard the distinctive chattering of swallows and saw the pair back, again swooping in and looking at the nest box.  And, again, Papa came zooming across the yard.  Sigh.  It would be so lovely to have swallows nest here - they are gorgeous things and extremely effective insect control, especially when feeding babies.  Time will tell.  

I found an utterly fascinating long-horned beetle in the day lilies today - after some research, I found out that he is a white-spotted sawyer beetle , a native species and a first for me. I'm put another close up in Extras. I also got some quick shots of a big brown paper wasp who was patrolling the garden.  Paper wasps are desirable in the garden because not only do they pollinate, but they also eat many pest insects.  Had a mystery dragonfly in the garden, too - haven't gotten an id on it yet but will post a link when I do.  

I was all set to go out for a short hike this afternoon but rain showers have moved in and I don't feel like getting, I'm going to tackle some of my photos.  I'm SO far behind on sorting and cataloging them.  

Hubs is on his way down to the track - about a 3 hour drive.  He is on the track tomorrow morning at 8 AM for qualification and then racing at about 10:30.  Fingers crossed the new engine performs well!

I'm thinking a big bowl of freshly made popcorn tonight.  And, yes, I make mine the old-fashioned way, in a pot over a hot flame.  

The cats are suspiciously quiet today.  No doubt saving their energy for late at night when I am trying to sleep.  

Thanks for the comments on Bruinhilda yesterday.  I've temporarily closed the Bistro (except for fruit and nectar which she isn't currently interested in) in the hopes that she'll move on.  And, yes, I am being very watchful when I'm out in the garden.  Even though she seems to have a healthy fear of humans, it pays to be mindful.  In general, black bears are not aggressive with humans unless they are threatened, but I don't really want to have hot bear breath on my back.  


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