
By TBay

Sleepy head!

Little Miss fast asleep on Grandpa ! He is quite happy about this! He has just given her the nightly top up bottle and she is now fast asleep on him!

Another busy day. Mr Tbay took Miss G to school and then headed off to pick up a spare part for Rustys tractor. Much of his day has been spent supporting Mrs R who is going through a bad patch again and need rather a lot of TLC. Mr Tbay is very good at calming ladies in distress! By this evening Mrs R is quite a bit calmer and able to carry on again.

We both had to take a car each to a farm where Mr Tbay Jnr is silaging And leave on so he can leave the equipment there and bring the boys home. The traffic was awful in both direction especially in the motorway as there was an accident!

Farming- Two on compost hauling. Mr Tbay and team on silaging. Had a break down mid afternoon but spare part arrived and installed by tea time. As I write this they are still out so it may be a late one.

Well I'm off to bed now! Another full day ahead tomorrow! Here's hoping you all enjoy your weekend!

Almost caught up on comments!

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