
By pensionspoet

My Collections

Today Mollie and I had a long lie in. Last night we discussed the idea of a car boot sale, but decided we needed the sleep more than the £2.50 profit we were likely to that idea is on hold.

Instead, we had a nice morning in Sheringham with mum & dad who are here for a few days. We cleared the market out when it came to anything worth buying - particularly pleased with a large bag of dried mango for £1 - such a good price I bought 2. I am seriously thinking about doing my shopping on the market and in the small shops. There isn't an Aldi up here, and I've tried everywhere else. I may have to buy one of those pull along shopping I also bought 3 artichoke plants - small babies, but I can now have a go with these and hope to grown them into magnificent specimens like a couple of my facebook friends have.

Back home we did a bit of gardening, then enjoyed a civilised cup of tea with mum & dad in my garden; it was a real sun trap. Mollie was even concerned she may get a tan on her knees (which poke through her trendy jeans....what a fashion!)

Now you are wondering why I have put on a photo of my favourite glass cabinet? It does have a link to today, but a tenuous link - I just wanted to photograph it for those few people who haven't seen it before. Well, I brought another box of 'stuff' back yesterday, and in it was a miscellaneous item for the said cabinet. I don't know what this thing is - I've never known, but I like it just the same, and it lives in the cabinet with all the other random bits. I have put it on the top 'kitcheny things' shelf, on top of 'The NEW Rotary Mouli Grater' and beside the bakolite cream maker. For those interested, the next shelf down is mainly 'ladies things' and bottles, then the third shelf is small tins, camera's and other house stuff, that doesn't go in the kitchen. The bottom shelf has my paper bag collection (yes, I know) and a lot of old first aid kit related things. I love all of these random bits, because they are odd, old and unwanted by normal people. me I suppose!

The extra photo is a close up of the random object. If you know what it is, please tell me!

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