
By DWBham

First day in Pune

After landing in Mumbai at 2 a.m., getting the 3-hour ride here, meeting Lynn, resting a bit, having lunch, doing some yoga in my room (shown in the extra photo below), and having homemade chai with Lynn and a friend of hers, we finally ventured outside. Part of the wait had to do with wanting to avoid midday heat, part was all that Lynn had going on with various workmen coming and going. When we did make it out, L. gave me a brief tour of the area, including walking by the Institute, which was already closed for the evening.

Lynn said she wouldn't turn me loose till I was comfortable finding my way around. Good choice!  I have to remember landmarks like the fenced-in dirt yard surrounding a temple of some kind telling me where to turn onto our road, and the blue and white apartments across the way telling me where our alley is, etc. If there are road signs, I haven't seen them yet. 

This man sold me some apples, mangoes, and bananas, and then he kindly agreed to let me photograph his stand with him in it.

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