
By DWBham

Ganesh near dry cleaner

I can't tell you much more about this than that it looked to me like Ganesh in a large walk-in freezer, but I'm pretty sure that isn't accurate. Ganesh, yes; freezer, no.

Today we walked around a bit more, going a bit farther than yesterday. I had my sea legs for crossing streets with traffic coming in both directions, nonstop, and I kept my cool as Lynn advised me not to run. It only messes up their timing, she said.

If you're wondering why I'm not talking about yoga, it's because classes at the Institute start on Monday. Twice we've gone by to get a form or possibly get me registered ahead of time, but no, the guard points to the sign that says classes are full. The sign says something about openings in November. Lynn explains, no, she's good, she's got a spot, but the guard doesn't understand and points to the sign. Oh well. All in good time. I guess everyone will show up on Monday and it'll be a mob scene trying to register 100 or so people before the 7 a.m. class.

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