Kite Surfer and other delights

I love going walking with The Boss.
I have various modes for this.

UC  Under control. Also stands for University of Canterbury where The Bossess first developed skills to keep dogs and casual tech assistants (husbands) in the manner they expect but not necessarily UC. (see above)

NUC  Not under Control My personal favourite but occasionally problematic.

TA.  Tussock Assist. Really useful in towing The Boss up steep bits. Needs to be disengaged when towing DOWN steep bits.

WOIF  Way out in front. Used in conjunction with NUC where I position myself WOIF (right) and ensure that it is entirely safe for The Boss to proceed.
Involves checking for anything that smells suspicious and tasting it in case he is hungry also providing protection services from Marauding Temptresses that may be attracted to a kindly old gent with highly attractive dog. 

So I was busy today while we clocked up 18,000 steps (more for ME) to work up an appetite for what he was planning to have for dinner. Sorry THAT is embargoed as The Bossess may (asshedoes) read this journal and report ME to the healthy living folk for not looking after him proper.
Spoiler…Broccoli was NOT involved. 

AND while all this was going on there was this bloke and his kite enjoying the COLD  7C Northerly wind by the outlet.
LARGER is GRRREAT  (Not the Broccoli)

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