Wild Flower Garden

A sort of back up blip today - I've been back into the BMI for another set of the steroid injections - I thought I'd spare you the gruesome pics this time (last time here). The surgeon told me that the gap in my shoulder is now only just wide enough for the needle to pass - it should be 1cm! - ah - arthritis - the genetic gift that keeps on giving (climbing at my level for so many years can't possibly have helped, but all the family are prone). So next time its keyhole surgery to shave off some bone, gulp!

Back home feeling slightly woozy - a nice snooze in the sun was called for - looking out at the garden everything is rapidly coming to life and there's colour everywhere - I could have blipped the wisteria, cornflowers, alpines or blossoms - but in the end the part that kept drawing my eye was how well our wildflower bed has come along - I'm hoping we can use it to seed and develop all the borders - hopefully taking a big chunk of maintenance out of things & adding more colour and insects.

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