A Morning Dip

I finally got to choose films to watch last night. We started off with Oblivion which was good but I got a bit distracted by reading tips for moving house on Facebook. Secondly I chose Moon - ignoring Mr K's pleas for Mama Mia - which was brilliant. One man and a robot stuck on a lunar mining base with lots of strange goings on.
When I woke up this morning I was sleepily wondering how long to leave it before asking Mr K for my tea when I decided on the spur of the moment to go and swim in the lake at Berinsfield. The Great North Swim is in a couple of weeks and I am not massively confident that my training has been all that it should be. I've been swimming once since the last Great North Swim!!
So I leapt out of bed, put on my swimsuit, ate a banana and drove to the lake at about a thousand miles an hour as fast as I could whilst obeying the speed limit at all times. I got there at 9.15am so had half an hour before the open water swimming session ended.
Twenty nine minutes later I staggered out having huffed and puffed my way around the 750m course (out to the blue buoy, right to the first red buoy, up past the middle buoy to the one on the far end of the lake and then back down to the blue buoy again)
I was alright on the way up but on the way back it started pouring down, the wind got up and no matter how hard I tried I hardly seemed to be moving at all. It was exhausting!!
But I made it back in one piece eventually, got changed (no mean feat to get out of a wetsuit and get dressed in the pouring rain!), made myself a cup of tea - and interestingly didn't get scalded when I poured half the kettle water over my hand. It must have been so frozen solid that the boiling water didn't affect it!!!
Rather than drive straight home I popped in to see my mum in Bicester. We had tea and a lovely couple of hours chatting before Mr K brought the Little Misses over for a late lunch at the diner. I had a scrummy bowl of chilli with sweet potato fries. I felt I'd earned it!
Home for baths, hot cross buns and bed.
Back to school tomorrow :-(

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