
By elinorevansharp


I had my first solo trip on a motorway today, which also means that I had my first solo trip to a motorway service station! It is funny the amount of different types of people you see in a services, from parents with children in their pyjamas (it was 12pm on a Sunday but still!!) to the old people on a coach tour! I enjoyed watching them sit down to their homemade cheese sandwiches, chocolate biscuits and watching them doll out the flasks of tea to one another, I don't know where they were going, or wether they were just having a day trip to the services, whatever it was they were having a lovely time!! 

I was travelling from Cardiff to Grantham, roughly a 3.5 hour trip, and after a while I was talking to (shouting at) my satnav! I took the wrong turning once and ended up going 4.5miles towards somewhere where I didn't want to be, but after a while it turned out fine!! I have a lesson tomorrow in this part of the country and as my cousins live here I decided to tie it in with a visit to my cousins!! :) I managed to aim it just right and got here for a tasty Sunday lunch (I was invited I didn't just turn up) it was yummy!! :P it was lovely to see my cousins as we don't get to see each other very much as we all live in various parts of the country, so it was by coincidence that they all just so happened to be home this weekend, it was great to have a catch up, though a bit odd without my brother here too!! :) 

After lunch we all went for a walk along the canal which was lovely, a bit windy, but not too cold, well as one of them said 'it much be warm for you...' You know as I am from Scotland and all!! :) They all went on their various travels home after the walk and so I had a nice time chilling out and chatting this evening!! It is amazing how something, even a sandwich, is tastier when made by someone else!! :D I have had a great time, though sleepy now!! 

Inspired by the day, my Welsh phrase(s) of the day is, a bit random but: 

Croeso i Loegr! Welcome to England! 
Croeso i Gymru! Welcome to Wales!! 

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