
By carliewired

The Wrap Up

From a white canvas
to a colourful painting
in seven great steps

~ carliewired

Our instructor has been the very best. He provided inspiration and a plan of action for all of us. He also personalized his guidance and suggestions for each of us. He offered a new vision for those who are experienced painters and a helpful structure for those new to the addiction. 

Brian is a successful painter in his own right. He sells his paintings worldwide and offers his system to those who are interested. He is very personable. He laughs genuinely and often. He is surprisingly humble and down to earth. I felt quite privileged to have met him and taken his class. I left the centre today feeling as I might expect I would have felt had I just been in the presence of someone like Nelson Mandela or Mahatma Ghandi. 

Top left and right: Brian's palette and paintings

Bottom left and right: class efforts (I was in the midst of some very talented painters) 

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