Communion....A Day for Change

It was the first time in ages that I got on my bike and cycled to the beach instead of driving.......I was surprised at how good I felt after...I love my bike. 
(Flynn did well and cycled all the way on his too)

It was a beautiful warm day and  we got to the beach early to enjoy it before the dark loomy clouds came over....apparently though the sunset was fabulous...oh well can't catch them all.

I also cracked out the Go Pro and took that instead of my camera...I reckon its nice to change things up a bit...I had forgotten how much I also love images from the GP....not as good as my camera of course but they have their own sweetness. Flynn attracted all the dogs again.....this one is called Django...he gravitates towards the boy as soon as he sees him...I thought this a very lovely moment between the two.

A change is as good as a Holiday.
..........My Grandmother

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