
By snailspace

It's Cloud Illusions

I stuffed up this morning. I reset my camera before going out with the rubbish, getting everything put back to normal except I forgot that I had dialled in exposure compensation last time I used my camera. So everything today was massively over exposed.

It's all about the clouds today.

I recovered what I could in Lightroom, which is behaving very badly for me at the moment and is perhaps in need of re-installling. 

If only I had the time. It's all go here. None of what is going on is interesting or exciting and certainly not worth reporting. You are best advised to avoid the dust.

I'm feeling worn out after a weekend of dusty and boring exertion. I should like to sit quietly at my wheel and spin but more boring and dusty exertion awaits me. It's not even photogenic. Damn.

Whatever else happens, there should be photos on Thursday - when we welcome a visit from some Kirkwall photographers for the day. I have been asked to accompany the driver and help with the visitors and will of course be taking my own camera out.

I need to do the reverse trip this week sometime, probably Wednesday if I can manage it. I need sight of some properly fresh salad greens soon or I shall go crazy.

30DaysWild Day 1

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