Wide Angle Wednesday ... A Cat's Eye View ...

I took todays theme 'A Cat's Eye View' on this wide angle Wednesday quite literally. So I brought focus and color as much as possible in accordance with the way in which the cat perceives the environment. 

So I tried to give an impression what a cat sees at a certain place in the living while looking around. The picture is made with a 10mm lens on a Nikon D7200 camera, which is comparable with 15mm on a full frame camera. So the impression is approximately and not a scientifically sound recording ... ;-)

I found the facts for it in different articles on the internet. One of the articles with more pictures of how a cat sees, is from Nickolay Lamm. "To make sure that the photos were an accurate hypothesis of what cat vision looks like, I consulted with Kerry L. Ketring, DVM, DACVO of All Animal Eye Clinic, Dr. DJ Haeussler ofThe Animal Eye Institute, and the Ophthalmology group at Penn Vet."

Hope you like this contribution to the challenge and theme of today.

Many thanks to Hobbs for being so kind hosting this challenge and theme.

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