"Paula Faye" peony

I took just a quick iPhone shot of this fabulous, one of so many, peony blooms at a Garden Club member's garden. I love going to a June morning Board meeting at her house, her gardens are astonishing. Now I'm off to the dentist for a routine cleaning, then a retirement party! My dear friend and teaching partner from my early Massachusetts teaching days is finally retiring. Unfortunately, work together long enough, her husband's company transferred him to Germany, but we have always been close friends from day one together. She is the finest teacher I have ever known. We learned so very much every day, just by the seat of our pants, or as we said, just winging it together. Just couple of young woman and a trusted aide, filled with lots of ideas and full of fun... over 40 years ago.

M in brown and our Maypole

My younger self taking milk money with Billy & Kris. I am quite sure I would recognize them today as well if I saw them on the street.I'm still quite good at age progression and old students. They must be around 44 these days.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool.

All hands healthy

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