Arvin and Donovan Rock

We had such a busy day today. We left early to go to the Bellingham Music Club's last concert of the season. We got there early enough to drop of two of my paintings for the tea and art show after the concert. We helped set up and then attended a masterful performance of Natasha "Sasha" Tsirkel, a wonderful young Russian pianist. She was amazing. Afterwards we went to the tea and ate goodies and enjoyed looking at art by members of the music club.

Next stop, Mykonos, a Greek restaurant near the airport, where members of the music club go for lunch after our monthly concert. We had yummy food, again, and spent a lovely lunch hour chatting and laughing with our friends.

By this time it was getting late. We zoomed over to Michael's so I could buy some canvases and then headed to Whatcom Community College for the annual retiree recognition event at 3 o'clock. It was so wonderful to reconnect with so many of my work friends. We talked. We laughed. Arvin ate cake. I didn't. It was a wonderful time and I loved hugging and talking to so many friends.

Then we walked across the street to see one of my favorite sculptures on campus. This fountain was made from a huge rock that came down in glaciers from Jackass Mountain and settled itself right in the middle of Donovan Road. When the freeway was put in, this rock was blown apart and shoved off the sides of the road so that Donovan could be widened. Time passed. Harold Heiner, former president of WCC did not forget the rock and came up with the idea of turning part of it into this fountain. They took a huge section, cut out a ball and sized it and the curved hole in another large chunk so they just fit. They plumbed it so water would come up through the base. The rock floats on an extremely thin layer of water and you can easily make it spin just by pushing. Arvin and I had fun doing that today. Here he is with the rock. This sculpture is outside the science building because of its demonstration of the laws of physics.

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