
JDO is giving us some very nice themes for MonoMonday this month.
Not too difficult but provides plenty to think about and play with.

This is one of our cows. Her other horn is almost straight so we are not sure what happened to this one. Maybe an injury early on or maybe just how it is.
Anyway she is easy to pick out from the rest of the herd. She is known as "the one with the curvy horn".

I am also posting a rare sunset sunrise for me. Thanks to my husband who saw it through the bedroom window and woke me up.

I have trouble with sunrises and sunsets. Sometimes they work, sometimes the colour is washed out. Can anyone enlighten me as to what settings I should select?
I tried several variations here and I think the best result was when I turned the EV down to -2.  I haven't altered the colour at all in post processing.

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