
By HaxSyn

Sunshine over Leith

I had planned on nipping over to Stockbridge Market, picking up a couple things and returning for more Jazz today, I took this picture while waiting for the bus. As it was a lovely sunny day and not too windy (the last couple days had been VERY windy) the market was very busy and I couldn't really get a decent picture.

I decided to have a cup of juice in the sunshine and bought a cup of freshly squeezed carrot & orange with ginger (see extra photos), I laid down my carrier bag of shopping I had bought and unfortunately the bottle of extra virgin olive oil I had bought rolled over and hit the cobbles, it must had dropped off something in the bag only a couple inches but it was enough to break a large chunk of glass from the bottom of the bottle, spilling my olive oil all over the ground (extra picture no. 2)! I considered going back and buying another bottle but at £8 for 500ml I decided not to, they stall that sells the oil is only there the first Sunday every month so I'll buy a cheap bottle from the supermarket.

After drinking my juice I decided to go to the Stockbridge Tap for a couple beers, I was really in the mood to check out any Jazz, my leg was bothering my and I managed to get a seat at the bar so I stayed for a few drinks before heading home and cooking the venison lasagne I had bought (I'm not a big fan of lasagne in general but it WAS really good and I at it all, even though it was probably designed for two :-)

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