Tiny Tuesday Moss

I'm definitely going to have to take up yoga if I'm going to be any good at this macro business.  I've just spent the last hour flat out on the ground trying to do my best with the tiniest moss I could find at Wombat Hollow. 

I went back to the area that I had blipped a couple of weeks ago and was fascinated by the grass growing up out of the moss.  It reminded me of the bush after a bush fire.  The verdant green coming through the black earth and the burnt timber.   The spikey grass also reminded me a little of the grass tree flowers that shoot up in great numbers about 12 months after a fire has gone through.

osuzanna has kindly offered to be our "Guest Judge" this week and I want to thank those of you who have already put their hat in the ring to have a go. 

This weeks entries start on page one with windy chickens entry titled "I'm beeeehind you" - I smiled when I saw the additional Tag "EvenThoughItsNotTuesday" so wouldn't want you to miss the great Bee shot.  There are already some fantastic images being posted and I can't wait to see what else is blipped over the next 24 hours.  What a great start to our year of macro madness :-) 

PS - I have added an extra image tonight of the tiny flower head that I blipped yesterday.  I did measure one of the tiny flowers again today and I apologise, it was more like 2mm in diameter.  When I looked closely at the flower today I honestly could not see any of the fine detail of the stamens with the naked eye.  That's the magic of macro for me.

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