The Chimpunk Burglar Stops for a Drink

Now that it is summer time, it is relaxing to take a break during the day, even if only for 15 to 20 minutes, to watch for yard creatures. On this morning's little walk around the property, I encountered:

- Mini Bunzini enjoying her breakfast
- Robins chasing down worms
- "The Bird Who Cries Yeee" (also known as the catbird) begging for peanuts at the bird feeding station out front
- Hummingbirds chasing each other all around the feeder
- A chipmunk who perhaps has delusions of becoming a cat burglar, scaling the large lilac bush by the master bedroom window, climbing all the way to the tippy-top, and then toppling down (landing with a gentle "squeak!-thud" and then running away, unharmed)

This is a shot of the chipmunk-who-aspired-to-be-a-cat-burglar taking a break in its morning burgling attempts to get a nice drink of cool, clean water. I guess burgling is thirsty work. (In all times of year, we provide clean bowls of water for our creatures all around the yard. You might be surprised at who all comes to drink.)

This tiny area is just to the left of the butterfly and hummingbird garden. I've tried to create a positive amphibian-friendly environment by placing little frog and toad statues around the area.

To the left of this particular water bowl is a fairy riding a frog. She is holding a flower over her head which also serves as a tiny bird bath as well. Further amphibian hospitality: there is also a toad house behind the lilac bush, outside of view.

The song to accompany this image is about water. It is a favorite from the 1970s that used to make me just about swoon. I bought the record when it came out and played it over and over. (Yes, I reveal myself: I was an Andy Gibb groupie.) It was first released in September of 1977. The tune is Andy Gibb, with Love is (Thicker Than Water).

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