Wide Angle Wednesday: Modern

I went to the Performing Arts Center in town to get some shots of the modern building for today's Wide Angle Wednesday challenge. Upon entering the property, I saw a sculpture garden I had not seen before.  I took lots of shots of the building as I had intended, but none were as interesting as this modern sculpture, especially with the distortion of the fisheye lens. It seems right, however, that I should also included a shot of the building in today's extras.  I enjoyed getting out and about today with my camera.  I hadn’t done this in a while and it seemed to lift me out of the rut I was feeling I was in. 

I am feeling a bit guilty today.  I bought myself yet another lens. I have been feeling quite handicapped by using my Nikon lenses on the Sony camera, with an adaptor.  I had read rave review about the Sony 30 mm macro lens, so I went to Best Buy to try it out.  I liked the result immediately so of course, I bought it, after all it was on sale and quite moderately priced.  When I got home, I immediately went into the back yard and took this shot of a bee (see extras) on the pincushion flower.  For such a reasonably priced lens, the images are sharper than my Tamron macro lens.  I think the lens is a winner and it will also serve as a very nice everyday lens.  So maybe I am not feeling so guilty, after all. :-) 

I am having a great time making my way through all the Tiny Tuesday macro images from yesterday’s challenge.  There are so many incredible shots that I can see that making a final choice as to what are my favorites will be very difficult.  Stay tuned for Thursday’s blip. 

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