Molly - again

So tired this morning and as I had to be in early yet another taxi and another traffic queue caused by roadworks, but not tramworks this time.

It was interviews this morning and a good result. Kate and I had lunch at the new Swedish place. the food was good but it was cold in the open space.

Guess what - it rained today but I struggled up the road for a meeting about money, with Spain about to go down the tubes it was a pretty depressing 30 minutes. #3 son went out so my remote and I joined company again and I caught up with my cousin and Y and E.

I struggled for a blip. I tried to take my reunited opal earrings but couldn't get the focus right so it was back to Molly - with a nostalgic cast.

So we sit on the couch together as the wind whistles down the chimney and the central heating is back on - and this is mid June.

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