Now that's a mouthful!

We made the chippies work for their peanuts this morning. T filled the chipmunk sized crevice we have among the patio rocks with peanuts. We sat back to watch the fun. They had to struggle to get out when their mouths and cheeks were full of nuts. Lots chippies all looking in the same spot means lots of confrontations and fights!

I've added two extras along with the flickr links, I couldn't resist. The Red Breasted Grosbeak stayed but a minute at the feeders, but I got a shot. I have not seen one here since the early 2000s.

The bumble bee extra is another busy patio guest

For the Record,
This day came in with clouds turning to sun and less humidity, thankfully.

All hands healthy

Nothing like our old fashioned piazza on a warm evening.

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