
By LeeAnne


I took Barney to the garage at 8am then went into town for a wander with my camera. What's with the shops not opening until 10am?! Fortunately Starbucks was open so I had coffee in Princes Street Gardens before a wander up the Mound and over to Newington. Went back to collect Barney who wasn't quite as clean as I'd hoped but with a clean bill of health which is good.

Then I went to visit my folks who have returned from their travels (briefly I suspect) to do my laundry and chattered to them about my next project at work. My Dad broke out the slides of them on holiday in 1964 (I think) but he can't find the viewing thing so I improvised.

Popped in to see my friend Janey and her puppy Roscco who likes me a lot but perhaps not in a good way via M&S and then came home and did the housework. Very productive day.

Clean sheets! Hurrah!!

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