Friday 13th...

I might get bored blipping Barney.

Then again, I might not.

I love my car.

I'm knackered... I'll come back tomorrow...

[to be continued...]

Or maybe the day after! ;o)

It's fair to say that 5pm couldn't come quick enough!! I legged it home, grabbed my keys and legged it out again! My nice friendly car wash man had been to see if he couldn't do something for my old wheels so I went to take some pics for my failing advert on Gumtree. So far I've had one bloke ask if it has aircon and another asking if I'd like to swap it for his Ford Focus! Why?!

So I did that. Then I drove out to my folks... got the hose out and washed all the bird shit of my new wheels. If I catch that stupid bint out feeding the seagulls again I'm going to tell her just what I think. Why?! Why would you feed seagulls willingly?

There was a plan to go over to see the kelpies in the middle of the night since there was a full moon but we sacked that idea, mainly due to the mist and the rain. I figured an early night would be of more use... didn't really do that either though. Haha! Fail on all counts!

Still... my wheels are no less fabulous than they were yesterday! Hurrah!

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