
I am in love.

To the moon and back twice over.

And a bit more!

I've driven about 150 miles today.

I got in him at 2pm and I got out of him again at 11pm.

We went to North Berwick for chips when I realised I'd forgotten to eat.

Cause we could.

Carlo, the sales guy at the garage who'd been helping me listening to me squeal like an excited teenager on a daily basis for the last three weeks was on a course today and he's off on holiday tomorrow so he roped in Chris to hand over the keys for Barney. He left me a little bouquet of flowers... I suspect they do that for everyone who buys a car but I was tickled all the same.

I took Chris out for a spin and he showed me where everything was and how to work stuff, rigged up my phone and listened to LOUD tunes while I wheeched him up the A9 for about 10 miles! Haha! Poor soul!

My new plates are on and I'm so ridiculously tickled.

My face hurts from grinning.

I was up at 6am this morning.

I painted my toes and straightened my hair.

Before work. WTF?

It's half one now. On Friday.

I've grinned all day long.

5pm tomorrow cannot come quick enough!

Who wants to put the kettle on?!

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