It's Too Darn Hot!

I thought I would go to the canal this morning, but even at 8 am,  the temperature was already near 80 and there was no relief in the humidity. So, I have stayed indoors, only making short forays into the yard for a few quick shots of whatever was landing on the plants.  

These Helenium flowers are only about 1.5 - 2 inches in diameter which will give you some perspective on the size of the green sweat bee (approximately 1/4 to 1/2 inch long.) The green sweat bees, unlike other sweat bees, are not attracted to human sweat, fortunately,  otherwise they would have feasted on me. There are a couple of more shots in the extras: another sweat bee and a hoverfly. 

Looking forward to doing a little something different tomorrow for Mono-Monday, but I suspect it will have to be an indoor shot, as more of the same weather is predicted. It sure is making me restless. 

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